Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Blog Entry #5 Mini Art School

I decided to make these exercises really meaningful and practical by applying each area of the Design Basics Index to what I might see or experience in my Kindergarten classroom.  I created a short video of each experience with a reflection piece at the end.  This was a huge week of growth and creativity as I have learned to let go and fully embrace the Mini Art School portion of this course!

The first exercise was a great family project as I set the table with a canvas and oil paints for my each of my children to join in as well.  It was interesting to see the difference in color blending and art techniques from each of my children at different stages of development  (they range in age from 7-13).  This was a great reminder of the ways in which children naturally embrace creativity and the importance of allowing them freedom and space to maintain these natural tendencies.

My apologies for the volume on my reflection piece in the video.  Get ready to turn it down a bit when you come to the last frame.

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