Saturday, April 22, 2017

Final MMP and Reflection

Adobe Spark Page

Written Reflection

**Note:  Instead of creating a screencast for my final reflection, I opted for a written reflection.  Among the many things I have learned in this course, the ability to choose the appropriate platform for sharing has been at the forefront.  When I began creating a screencast for this final piece, I realized that what was meant to be an effective form of communication, was lacking in what I was trying to convey.  Within my written version I was able to share quotes from teachers, and include additional research that supported reflection of my work, and link the technology plan that I had created to share a cohesive view of my project from beginning to end.  

As a final note within the course, I think this points to the critical job we have when working with technology.  Just because all of the fancy tools and tricks are available, we must constantly consider the means of communication that is most appropriate for conveying information.  Special thanks to all of the educators who have taken the journey of this course alongside me.  I have learned so much from each of you, and wish you continued success as you explore the path of 21st century learning and teaching.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Blog Post #8 Technology Toolkit

I am so grateful to my classmates who embarked on the endeavor of finding platforms to use in order to complete this assignment.  After browsing through some ideas, I settled on Pearltree (thank you Shawn!)  in order to create my collection.  What drew me to it was the very user-friendly, and visually pleasing format.  I loved the idea of creating collections that are visually connected to the elements added to the toolbox.  I also appreciated the ability to easily add the Pearltree extension, which is now easily found on my toolbar for easy access.

The biggest challenge I had with this assignment was simply narrowing down the vast collection of resources that I have built over the past couple of years.  I have collections stored in gmail folders, Google Keep, Google Drive, Evernote, Feedly, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest...and the list goes on. The task of organizing was daunting!

As with each element of this course, I decided to focus on creating a technology resource for those who with young children.  Within this context, I had to consider the ways in which technology impacts the children, the role of the teacher/learner, and families who are an extension of my work.  In order to get started I considered the ways that I look at technology:

1.  What are like-minded teachers doing that I find inspiring?
2.  What tools are best for creating and experiencing through technology?
3.  What is the research and theory that creates a foundation for my work with technology?

Although I had a particular audience in mind, I wanted to get feedback from people who work with a variety of teachers rather than the teachers that I have contact with on a daily basis.  I wanted fresh eyes, and a unique perspective.  So, I turned to two of our district administrators to get feedback on the collection that I created.

Both were very honest and supportive.  Interestingly, the common piece of feedback was that the toolkit itself was a bit overwhelming.  In my great excitement to change the world, I do have a tendency to overwhelm.  So I was guided to take a closer look at how I could create a resource that was geared toward even the most novice teacher in the area of technology.  After all, this is meant to be a resource to inspire, not overwhelm!

Inspiration From Teachers

I went back to my collection and decided to create three separate collections that are embedded within each other.  The "parent" collection is meant for teachers to get excited and glimpse into the world of other educators who are out there doing the work everyday.  This is the place for teachers to see connections, and begin to consider the ways in which the technology lens does not replace, but rather enhances learning experiences.  As a background photo I actually chose a black and white photo of one of the children in my class painting.  It was important to me that the feel of this page points to the importance of integrating hands-on experiences with new approaches to learning.

Creation and Experience

Within the first piece of the toolkit, is a link to the second collection which houses links to actual tools and sites that are meant for "Creating and Experiencing."  It is important to me that my toolkit provides open-ended opportunities to extend and elevate learning rather than replace an experience that is already available.  The few I chose to add offer unlimited possibilities in how they can be used by children and teachers within the classroom setting.  They also offer ways in which families can find connections and begin to develop an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices that can be applied at home as well.  The background I chose for this collection is actually an app smash between Felt Board and PicCollage that children created collaboratively to demonstrate their ideas about fairness.  I thought this was a perfect image to show integration of learning, technology, and developmentally appropriate practice.

Research and Theory

The third collection is focused on research and theory.  It
 is meant for teachers to explore when they are ready to start developing their own ways of using technology to meet the needs of learners.  I have found that with my own learning in the area of technology, I began much as any novice learner begins, I followed the lead of those before me.  I looked to the experts and the teachers that were already "doing" and I tried out their ideas.  I tested the tools in the ways that had been shared.  Although this was very satisfying and a source of success, the next level of learning comes from the development of new and unique ideas.  In order to make these decisions, we must be grounded in the research and theory that supports our work.  As a background for this collection I chose the hand print image because no matter how many times we look at the research and theory it all comes down to the fact that learning is about what is best for the children.  

Although this toolkit is still a work in progress, I am grateful for the support of administrators who were able to offer honest feedback to help me grow.  We are all shifting between the role of learner and teacher.  The process of creating this toolkit has helped to continue to develop my mindset as I consider the ways that children and teachers approach learning in the 21st century.

Here is the link to my Technology Tookit (still a work in progress!)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Digital Portfolio Technology Plan

For this assignment, I decided to focus on how I would create a technology plan to implement use of Seesaw digital portfolios at a district level.  After having piloted my MMP with teachers in our building, I realized how much they were open to learning, but lack of professional development and support in this area held many back from trying new things.  It is one thing to be handed an iPad or a Chromebook for use in your classroom, it is another to have the resources and support available to effectively and efficiently be able to utilize these tools to benefit the process of learning and teaching.  In order to take my project to the next level, I would consider implementing the following technology plan:

  1. Identify Technology Learning Standards and assess teacher comfort level in implementing meaningful documentation of student learning through digital portfolios
  2. Identify committee members to support plan development and implementation.  In our district possible members might include:
    • Assistant Superintendent in Charge of Curriculum
    • Building Principal
    • Teacher leader
    • Technology Support Staff Member
    • Media Specialist
    • Grade level representation from buildings across district
    • Parents
    • Students
  3. Check availability of resources (iPads/Chromebooks/laptops) needed to implement digital portfolios.  Add Seesaw app to iPads for teacher/student access during training and beyond. Set a two year timeline for implementing overall plan.
  4. Create committees:
    • Team Leader- Purpose/vision/monitoring progress/organizing implementation/revision
    • Teacher Leaders - Implement district wide staff development introducing digital portfolio tools such as Seesaw.  Support teachers within buildings and across district, serve as resources, open up classrooms as laboratories for observation of technology in use.
    • Community Committee (Teacher/Student/Parent) - Determine ways in which digital portfolios best support the collaboration between home and school.  Serve as community advocates and liaisons.  
    • Technical Support Committee - (Media Specialists/Tech support) Support staff with technical issues regarding technology tools.
    • Communication & Curriculum Committee (Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Teacher Leader) - Present and communicate with staff to identify new policies/procedures/available resources to develop digital portfolios.  Ensure that use of portfolios is connected to district curriculum and implemented as needed throughout the district.
  5. Share Seesaw Digital Learning Portfolio Site through interactive district level workshops led by teachers.  Open up teacher laboratory classrooms for observation.  Create virtual space (Google Classroom for staff sharing and support).  Offer follow up small group meetings at building level to support needs as they arise.  Create Digital Portfolio PLCs across district.
  6. Monitor and assess teacher comfort level, seek student feedback, collect parent feedback data and revise as needed.
As I was creating this plan, I saw how helpful it is to outline the process of implementation.  We are lucky enough to work in a district that has a significant amount of technology tools available.  Unfortunately, these tools are often used in limited ways or are left forgotten.  When I piloted my MMP, I saw how excited the teachers were to try something new.  They simply did not know what the possibilities were, or how to find the support on their own.  Creating a plan like this takes the investment in technology to a new level as it becomes an investment, not just in the tools, but in the teachers, students, and families that they are meant to support.

Friday, April 7, 2017

MMP Update #2

MMP Update #2

Additional Update:

I got to pilot my project at a staff meeting on Thursday afternoon.  It was so much fun!  Teachers were extremely impressed and enthusiastic.  My ultimate goal was to inspire, and not overwhelm. Everyone left feeling like they could use the resource I created to implement digital portfolios in the classroom, and requested more time to explore and work together.

I sent out a Google form in a follow up email to all faculty asking for feedback from those who had been with me, and those who were not able to join as well.  It is important that I gain perspective of those who used the site within a group setting, and those who used it independently as well.

Overall, I am really pleased with the practical, hands-on resource that I have created.  I am looking forward to continued feedback to make any last changes.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Discussion: Digital Storytelling

In Film as Identify Exploration: A Multimodal Analysis of Youth-Produced Films, Halverson writes,
"Storytelling by everday people is no longer just about composing texts and oral narratives, but rather the expression of ideas through multiple media including print and digital text, still and moving images, music, animation, and games"(p.2353).  In our Kindergarten classroom, we use a daily Writing Workshop format in which whole group mini-lessons are followed by stages of the writing process completed by individual children at their own pace.  Here is a look at the writing workshop board in our classroom that I had shared as part of  a #gafe4littles Twitter chat several months ago.

Although I had considered the benefits of integrating digital storytelling into Writing Workshop from an academic perspective, the article presents the idea of digital storytelling as it supports construction of self-representation for a public audience, in turn, supporting the writer in understanding the self and his or her experiences within the world.  The article focuses on adolescent development of sense of self through digital storytelling.  Since I work with young children, I decided to consider the ways in which this idea may apply to our work in the classroom as well.  I created the chart below to organize some thoughts on the ways in which the creation process for digital storytelling communicates ideas that help the young child develop a sense of self.

In order to look closer at the ways in which digital storytelling can help children develop a sense of self, I decided to look carefully at some samples from children's completed digital books.  We have recently been using Book Creator to publish stories on the iPad which allows children to: create a digital book that can be added to our iBooks collection on the iPad, publish into Seesaw portfolios in video format for viewing with families, and publish as a pdf which is printed and placed in our classroom library.

Examples of the ways in which story choice helps children to connect and define personal experience and interest:


                                               Exploration on topic of interest helps child to expand 
                                               understanding of the world around them and identify
                                                           their place within the larger context.

Exploration of family traditions and culture
helps children to process the stories that help to define their 

Exploration of self within the context of peers.  
Stories allow children to imagine experiences and 
develop sense of social conventions and communication.

Examples of ways in which tools children use reflect their communication of ideas.

Illustrations in this book were created using the Felt Board app.  
The child used open ended pieces to create the scene which communicated her idea. 
 The ability to see ways in which open-ended tools can be used to create specific
 images increases the child's understanding of herself as a creative human being.

Creating an illustration that matched the child's idea required him 
to research a photo and then use the drawing tool to add detail 
that was unique to his text. This child developed a sense of 
collaboration as he recognized that this photo had been shared,
 but could be used as a way of expressing a different idea.

This child chose Draw and Tell app to communicate her ideas as she felt strongly that she needed complete freedom to add the detail necessary to convey her thoughts.  Her carefully detailed drawings show her commitment to capturing her developing definition of friendship within her narrative text.


Interestingly, Writing Workshop is part of our everyday literacy block, however, digital storytelling has allowed for it to become a natural extension of the children's play during choice time.  On a daily basis, children can be found playing and creating stories in the block center, art center, or housekeeping area.  At this point in the year, the writing center is often the most popular choice in our classroom because children have become extremely motivated by creation of their own stories.  This is the first year I have incorporated a larger amount of digital storytelling into our classroom experiences.  The impact has been that children now see themselves as creators without limits to a certain area of the classroom.  They do not need to be in the writing center to create and share their stories.  

It was difficult to find a video version of a story that I could share publicly because most of the children's work features themselves and their friends!  This story was created by two 5 year olds back in October when I first introduced the idea of documenting their stories using the iPad.  They were excited to write a "chapter book" that shared the adventures of the animals in the block center.  It is interesting to note the ways in which they are processing the ideas of protection, safety, community, problem and solution within their play.

This exercise was important for me as I continue to develop my understanding of the ways in which digital media creation impacts the development of young children.  Considering the social and emotional impact of work with technology has been a focus for my work over the course of the last couple of years.  This assignment helped to bring my understanding to a new level as academics, technology and development of sense of self interplay within the experience of digital story creation through Writing Workshop.

Halverson, E. R. (2010). Film as identity exploration: A multimodal analysis of youth-produced films. Teachers College Record 112(9), 2352-2378.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog # 7 Copyright

Of all of the aspects of this course that have taken me out of my comfort zone, this was perhaps the most frightening exploration from the perspective of teacher and student.
I watched all of the videos and explored all of the text-based resources provided in Five-Minute Film Festival: Copyright and Fair Use for Educators.  I found that each source both answered questions,and raised many more. 

I found myself wondering how anyone could possibly engage in any 21st century learning experiences as a teacher or student without having explored this topic well in advance?  The fact is that we live in a transitional time in education.  Many teachers are afraid of technology, and this aspect of things certainly complicates that further.  If we expect teachers to take risks and try new things, there must be a huge level of support and understanding coming from school districts, teacher training programs, and available professional development.  In Education World’s Five Part Series on Copyright, section 5 presents District Liability and Teaching Responsibility.  This section highlights the ways in which the district is responsible for copyright infringement within the district for individual teachers.  It also presents the need to train and protect teachers in this area.  I wonder how many administrators are even aware of this responsibility?

At the beginning of each year, teachers in our district are required to use Safe Schools online training courses to cover mandated topics by the state and district.  This year, training included “Keeping Your Computer and Our Network Safe, Avoiding Malware.”  As digital media becomes more commonly used in the classroom, I suspect there will be the need for a copyright installment as part of this training.  The challenge from a realistic perspective, is that if we already have teachers who are scared to take a risk, does this deter educators rather than encourage them?
Where I did find more comfort was in the video section when I viewed the Get Creative video by Creative Commons.  It seems that this approach has narrowed down the leg work for teachers a bit by providing resources that have already been identified for various uses in the classroom.  Whereas many of the resources provided me with unanswered questions and a more fear-based mindset, this video presented the possibilities of working within a more collaborative and creative mindset.  This got me thinking about how we can begin to translate this mindset to our students from the very beginning.

After watching the Fair Use lesson on the Teaching Channel, I decided to consider ways in which I could address the idea of copyright with young children.  This week I decided to test it out in my classroom.  The lesson I planned included the following Kindergarten standards:

LA.K.RI.K.5 - [Progress Indicator] - Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
LA.K.RI.K.6 - [Progress Indicator] - Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
LA.K.W.K.6 - [Progress Indicator] - With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

Lesson Overview:

During the first part of this lesson, I handed out little books to each child, and together we explored the parts of the book: front, back, title page.  Within the title page, we looked for the author and illustrator name and described the job of each person, looking for evidence in the text to show that they had done their job.  We then looked for the “little c in a circle that shows us when the book was born”.  Children discussed whether their book was old or new, and compared it to their own age.   After collecting the little books, I explained that the little c we saw in the book has another job as well.  That little c protects the book from other people taking the book and claiming it as their own.  It tells us that the words and pictures belong to someone, and we can use it to inspire our work, but we can’t take their work from them. 

Then I introduced another symbol that they might see if they are looking online.  We called this the double c.  The double c means that the creator is really proud of the work, but is willing to share it with other people who might like to use it as part of their own work.  Double c is willing to share, whereas little c wants to keep the creative part of his work to himself.  We looked at some images on the smart board that showed the double c in the circle and discussed the ways in which we could use them creatively in our classroom work.

I then introduced this activity to children:

As part of our writing workshop process, the children each create digital published versions of their story.  We have always added a copyright to celebrate the book’s birthday, but now children will have a choice.  He or she may decide  to give your book one little c or two.  The child’s decision decision will determine how other children in our class may use the book.  One c means the child wants to keep your work all to himself and other children may read it, but may not use any part of it for their own story.  Double c means the child is happy to share so that others can use parts of the book to create something new.

Once the children have their digital version created, we always print out a copy of the story as well.  Our child-created library holds the most popular books in our classroom.  I met with children to talk to them about how they would like to copyright their story by having them choose a label to place on the back of the book in our classroom child-created library. 

Here you can see an overview of the lesson on copyright:

                                                        Please excuse the somewhat choppy video footage.
                                                        Capturing a quick video with 5 and 6 year olds
                                                        is not always an easy task!

Lesson Reflection:
After completing this lesson, I thought about the ways in which we have a responsibility to consider the needs of all of our learners given the digital world in which they live.  By allowing young children to consider the idea of copyright, we help to heighten their awareness as they explore and create with digital tools.  We also help them to become responsible digital citizens as they interact with the world around them.  This lesson was a simple and practical way to incorporate the unique needs of 21st century learners into daily classroom experience.

(VideoAmy), A. E. (2015, December 02). Five-Minute Film Festival: Copyright and Fair Use for Educators. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from

[Creative Commons]. (2009, August 17). Get Creative. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Starr, L. (2010, May 25). The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Blog # 6 Multimodal Exploration

Part 1:  Video Illustrating Multimodality

For this exercise I decided to create a video taking a look at the importance of multimodal communication within a young child's environment.  To begin, I asked the question:

If I were a cloud floating above our classroom, what would I notice?  How could I capture the experience using a multimodal approach?

I began with this drawn out storyboard, and then kept my camera and iPad close throughout the day to capture moments throughout the day.

As I began to edit my video, I realized how important this exercise is as a part of my multimedia project.  As we explore digital portfolios, we attempt to move beyond paper documentation of experiences and create a sense of the many facets of learning and communicating throughout the day.  Each of the elements highlighted in the video capture a different part of the learning experience.  I will be using this video to introduce my teacher workshop.  Please read the course description, and then enjoy the video.

Course Description:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to float on a cloud above your classroom and take it all in?  How would this perspective change or elevate your teaching?  Close your eyes for a moment and imagine an amazing classroom moment you have experienced. If you were floating above the room, what would you


Learning and teaching go much deeper than we can capture on paper.  Through this course, you will take a fresh look at the learning experiences in your classroom and discover ways that you can elevate learning, and capture experiences using digital portfolios.  As we look at the world of Seesaw, keep your cloud perspective in mind, and enjoy the journey as a teacher and a learner.

Part 2:  Story Board for My Multimedia Project

The second part of this week's blog post is a natural extension of the video I created.  As I began to think about how to use the story board to organize my project, I again began with very rough draft using a paper/pencil approach.

After drawing it out in pencil, I color coded the different elements to see if I was creating a balance of communication through different tools.

Yellow: Image
Red: Video
Light Blue: Text
Dark Blue: Link

I then began to play around with the options within the Spark Video app and website as well.  I moved back and forth between the two to see how the layout changed from laptop to iPad.  I began to upload and edit some photos and play around with the text, button, and video options.  I took screen shots for what I was able to complete in this initial phase.

After this part of the exercise, I decided to take it a step further by moving my screen shots into the Vidra app and recording my thoughts on how I will use each portion of the site to communicate.  For the pieces I do not have laid out yet, I used text, icon, and drawing tools to create a quick simulation of what might be found on the section of the page.

Take a look at my Vidra storyboard that I initially used to begin organizing my site.

Reflection on Story Board Creation:

The Spark Video format creates a beautiful visual display, but the challenge is creating a clear and cohesive resource that takes all design elements into account.  I have discovered that the storyboard process is very important in helping me organize my thoughts so that I can create a draft of the project.  At this point, I have already gone back and edited some of the images and content that I began with.

Some changes I have already made:

  • Changing the first photo to an image that integrates color as well as a black background to create more consistency.
  • Change of theme to capture the feel consistent with the photos
  • Changed all photos to black and white for crisper images
  • Created a video link instead of inserting the video within the site (I shared it through a Seesaw link instead to illustrate the ways that Seesaw can work with video creation)
  • Began to work with font and size
  • Began adjusting layout for workshop activities
  • Added a link with directions showing how to create a class and practice on your own for anyone who is using the site outside of the PD session
I will also closely assess the flow of navigation as I work to make sure that teachers can easily come back to the resource and follow the flow of the site to return to areas of interest or reinforcement.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Multimedia Project Proposal


The purpose of my project is to create a teacher workshop and interactive resource to communicate ways in which educators may use digital portfolios to document, assess, and communicate learning.  This project will allow me continue to utilize technology as part of classroom practice, as well as support teachers throughout the district in finding creative and meaningful ways to integrate technology into their classrooms.

The following student learning objectives will be integrated into lessons shared with teachers:

TECH.8.1.2.B.CS2 - [Content Statement] - Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
TECH.8.1.2.B.1 - [Cumulative Progress Indicator] - Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS1 - [Content Statement] - Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others by employing a variety of digital environments and media.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS2 - [Content Statement] - Communicate information and ideas to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

Additional content objectives will be covered in lesson samples as well.


This project will attempt to incorporate technology into various content areas by offering lesson examples for creating, documenting, assessing, and communicating learning through Seesaw Student Driven Digital Portfolios.  Since I already incorporate a lot of technology options into the classroom, this project will take practical classroom experience to the next level by providing examples and resources for other teachers throughout the district.  One of the best ways to enact change is to provide real life examples and experiences from which teachers may learn. 
By creating a virtual tool for learning, teachers may work at their own pace, return to resources as they progress in their own practice, and learning may be passed on to new teachers as they enter the district.  We are in the process of rewriting our English Language Arts curriculum, and are currently working on organizing ways for teachers to create and share resources to utilize within and across grade levels.  My hope is that this will become a resource that can be added to our curriculum and will grow with teachers as they find more practical applications across curricular areas.  By using a multimedia design, I will be able to reach teachers as individual learners, and model effective ways for them to integrate these approaches into their classrooms as well.


This particular project is designed to reach K-2 classroom and special area teachers in our district.  This year I created a virtual professional learning community (PLC) utilizing G Suite tools to support connection between teachers across the district.  This has been an important learning experience for me as I have found there is a vast range of comfort and knowledge in the area of technology across the district.  Teachers range from those who were reluctant to figure out how to log onto Google Classroom, to those who are creating their own websites and flipped classroom environments.  My target audience is the teachers of primary students within the district.  Seesaw Digital Portfolios offer options for teachers and children that can be utilized effectively to personalize and differentiate learning experiences.  Although digital portfolios can certainly be used across all grade-levels, my focus is on elevating learning and play that is already embraced by district teachers of younger children.  The goal is to communicate ways to incorporate technology into what is already happening in the classroom.

In order to determine the specific needs of my audience I have approached it on several levels.  I have created a Google Form to identify specific needs and comfort level among K-2 teachers.  I have also met one on one with teachers to walk through the process of creating a digital portfolio to get a sense of comfort level and needs of beginners.  In addition to considering teacher needs, I have reached out to my principal and assistant superintendent in charge of curriculum for thoughts on how this project can positively impact the district by supporting specific needs of current and future teachers.

Overview and Learning Objectives:

District teachers will be able to set up a class using Seesaw Digital Portfolios

District teachers will be able to utilize audio, photo, video, and drawing tools to incorporate learning experiences into the classroom

District teachers will identify resources that can be utilized to support and extend use of digital portfolios

For my workshop I will host an in-person session and send out a link to the Adobe Spark Page that I will create with all available resources.  The Adobe Spark Page will also be added to district curriculum resources to be utilized by future teachers.  The use of multimedia tools embedded into this resource will allow teachers to explore and return to activities at their own pace so that they can incorporate use of portfolios in the classroom as their comfort level increases.  This resource will also be shared via the district teacher Google Classroom used for communication among teachers throughout the district.  After the teacher workshop, I will send out a follow up Google Form to assess teacher learning and understanding, and evaluate how I may continue to revise and extend resources moving forward.  When speaking with my principal, he had also suggested having a day when teachers can sign up for 20 minute sessions in my classroom to come and observe use of digital portfolio tools in action.  This hands-on opportunity would support teachers comfort level as they navigate new tools.

Technology Tools:

In order to create an overall resource that teachers may use to direct learning and interact, I will be creating an Adobe Spark Page site.  This will ensure that even when teachers are not in the same physical space, they may access learning tools.  Within the Adobe Spark Page, I will be sharing resources through the following multimedia tools:

Seesaw Digital Portfolios – We will look at the web-based as well as app version of this tool for use in the classroom on a variety of platforms.  Audio, video, camera, and drawing tools are all embedded within the use of the digital portfolio itself.

Video Tutorials created by Seesaw – Seesaw has many resources available to walk teachers through each step in digital portfolio creation.  I will be utilizing these videos in conjunction with examples from my classroom experience.

Video Creation Software (to be determined) – To create an inspirational video highlighting the need for portfolios which capture experiences using a multimodal approach.

Animoto – To show examples of simple ways to create video newsletters using the free teacher account.

Aviary – To edit classroom photos and show ways in which photo editing can be used as a way to demonstrate learning.

Canva – For creation of infographics and visuals for my Spark Page.

Various Apps to demonstrate app smashing for more advanced users – Felt Board, Draw and Tell, Book Creator, PicCollage

Learning Theories and Principles:

When I began my exploration with technology in the Kindergarten environment, I sought to find ways to elevate developmentally appropriate learning experiences through the use of technology. 

Some of my foundational questions have been:
How have changes in the 21st century impacted learning and play for young children?

How have play-based experiences changed in and out of the classroom, and what gaps are there because of these changes?

In what ways can we celebrate and elevate learning and play through technology?

How can advances in technology support personalization, differentiation, assessment, and parent/family communication?

Walker, Jameson, and Malcom (2010) suggest the need for “developmental strategies for helping learners to bridge the gap between informal, participatory learning and the expectations of academic study (p.212).  This idea may be applied to young children as digital learning portfolios provide a link between informal hands-on or play based learning experiences and how they relate to learning for the young child. 

For example, as children participate in an informal block building activity they negotiate shape, size, communication, problem-solving, and spatial skills.  The activity itself provides critical steps as children lay the groundwork for mathematical thinking.  Now consider the same activity in which children participate in building, and are then able to use an iPad to create a video of their building explaining their experience and thought process.  The uploaded video is then shared with the teacher who is able to glimpse into the child’s world – identifying areas of understanding and development.  The same video is viewed by family members who may then discuss the social and academic experience with the child outside the classroom.

In this scenario, the digital portfolio has provided a scaffold for children to extend informal play and learning into academic knowledge.  Transfer beyond the classroom helps children to further solidify understanding, and apply knowledge in the outside world.   For young learners, digital portfolios support reflection and connection which are later embedded in social networking experiences.  Helping children to develop digital responsibility and citizenship when they are younger may support their future experiences as they get older.  Walker, Jameson, and Ryan suggest, “The reflective skills that digital learners exhibit – attending to their peers’ input, reflecting on their own output, responding to feedback – are also vital to make them fully rounded, competent members of the higher education community (p. 219).  By allowing young children to develop the ability to document, reflect, and share their learning, we set them up for success in the digital social and academic world ahead.

Digital portfolios offer a 21st century alternative to the traditional written report card used to document and share learning.  While report cards remain important in communicating overall progress, digital portfolios allow for daily documentation which drives learning both in and out of the classroom.  Rather than having the teacher the sole reporter and documenter, digital portfolios provide children access to multimedia tools to show their learning.  As Daley states,

The very vocabulary of multimedia encourages approaches different from those used to write text.  One ‘creates’ and ‘constructs’ media rather than writing it, and one ‘navigates’ and ‘explores’ media rather than reading it.  The process is active, interactive, and often social, allowing for many angles of view. (p. 36)

Embracing multimedia in within the context of learning for the young child offers possibilities to communicate that may not otherwise exist.  For the child who does not yet read or write, an adult must be present to hear the words or see the actions that are demonstrating feelings, ideas, or understanding.  The use of multimedia tools such as audio, video, or photography offer the young child a means of communication and reflection that can be applied across content areas.  As it states
in the Resource and Policy Guide for 21st Century Sills, Education, and & Competitiveness, “Students can master 21st century skills while they learn reading, mathematics, science, writing, and other school subjects" (p. 8).  Beginning the process of learning 21st century skills in the primary 
grades can support development of skills that are needed in today’s global economy.


Stage of ADDIE Model
Activity to be implemented or completed
           Google Form for teachers
           Meeting with principal to identify building goals
        Meeting with assistant superintendent to identify district goals
February 6-February 17

Consult with online Google + communities for ideas, input, resources
Feb 6 - ongoing

Reach out to Seesaw to communicate project – ask about design colors and fonts used in their logo to mirror in visual design for site
Week of Feb 12

Explore Adobe Spark site to familiarize with capabilities for uploading multimedia elements (look for color options that complement the Seesaw logo)
Week of Feb 12

Begin collecting Seesaw samples from classroom work (photos, video, audio links)
Feb 12-25

Develop inspirational video (connection to week 6 mini art school assignment)
Week of Feb 19

Create thumbnail sketch of site pages/elements
Week of Feb 26

Create course description
Week of Feb 26

Determine needs for learner/facilitator (iPads, chromebooks, laptops, smart board)
Week of Feb 26

Create Google Form follow up
Week of March 5

Use design principles to determine layout:

Week of March 5

Develop plan for in person workshop

Collect physical materials

Week of March 5

Organize Spark Page to follow the flow of the workshop
March 5-26

Test site
Week of March 26

Finalize date/availability during staff meeting time
Week of March 12

Finalize site to be shared with teachers
Week of March 26

Present in person workshop to share site and explore activities
April 6

Add site link to district Google Classroom for teachers to access on their own
April 7

Reflect on workshop after presentation
Week of April 10

Share follow up Google Form for teacher feedback
Week of April 10

Use evaluation feedback to modify site
Week of April 17

Invite teachers in to observe or visit classrooms to help facilitate set up and implementation
Week of April 17


Daley, E. (2003). Expanding the concept of literacy. EDUCAUSE (March/April), 33-40.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2010) 21st Century Skills. Education & Competiveness: A Resource and Policy guide. P. 1-17.

Walker, S., Jameson, J., & Ryan, M. (2010), Skills and strategies for e-learning in a participatory culture. In R. Sharpe, H. Beetham, &S. de Freitas (Eds.), Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age: How Learners Are Shaping Their Own Experiences (pp. 212-224). Routledge: New York, NY.
